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Early August With My Lovely Pony

Early August With My Lovely Pony

     The past two weeks have been hectic with my internship starting and the oven that encases Southern California being switched onto the broil setting. Padmé and I have had to adjust our schedule to navigate my endless Zoom meetings, research schedule, and the ever-present heat, but we are starting to get back into a groove. I have been alternating working with her in the mornings and in the evenings in an attempt to beat the heat while making it to my virtual meetings and completing the work for my internship. 

     During these still rather toasty sessions, we have been dragging lines and reinforcing the verbal cues that she has been learning through these last few weeks. Padmé has been learning remarkably fast and takes every new thing in stride as if she’s been doing it her entire life, that is as long as we are not talking about picking up her feet. Right now she picks up her front feet for me to pick out her hooves, but she disagrees that it is necessary to also pick up her back feet. Of course, we are working on this since it will soon be time to have the farrier out for a trim so this is our big task since it is too hot for arena work.

I Am Scared

I Am Scared

The First Full Month With Padmé

The First Full Month With Padmé