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The Wind Is Out To Get Me

The Wind Is Out To Get Me

     I have come to the conclusion that the wind would like to destroy me, or at least irritate me to no end. Now I am not someone who is very bothered by the cold, in fact, I love the opportunity to don a fluffy sweater and cozy socks inside warm boots, but I absolutely hate very windy weather like we have been experiencing in Riverside County the past few days. There is just something about it that can make me forget all of the exciting lightbulb related ideas that I picked up from NPR and shift into a seething ball of rage as soon as the first icy gusts punch me in the face. It definitely doesn’t help that all of the indoor gathering places on campus are also transformed into arctic wind tunnels by students constantly opening and closing doors while the ambient volume steadily raises as the last of the morning classes come to an end. Tuesdays are the day that I spend the most time on campus this quarter, and it does seem like I have a more difficult time maintaining a positive attitude when I am faced with the particular hurdles that have been thrown at me from the cold north.

     At least today I found out that I aced my first midterm of not just the quarter, but 2020, and that is something that the wind cannot take away from me. This, along with the positive responses I have gotten to my first video released on the YouTube channel mark a small glimmer of light in what has so far been a fairly dark year. Today I am trying to cling to this small treasure and use it to keep me motivated to fight back and stay out of the mental spiral that usually drags me down into the depths of despair. 

     As I write this, I am sitting at lunch watching the clock until I have to rush off and take my first practical exam in my plant bio lab class. I am hoping that I can remain in positive spirits long enough to fly through this exam and conquer the rest of the day.

Some Thoughts About Voting

New Beginnings

New Beginnings